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Portrait of a Graduate Competencies

Teaching, learning and assessment at Souhegan is anchored in our competencies as outlined in SAU 39 Portrait of a  Graduate. Students demonstrate and apply their learning through these competencies. Both end-of-unit and school-wide assessments (Division 1 Exhibition, Junior Research Project, Senior Project), are evaluated through the lens of our competencies. Rubrics make clear how students can meet competency thresholds. To support our graduates in meeting our vision of a graduate, academic competencies have been developed for each content area as well as Work Study Practices or habits of work.  Feedback is framed using these competencies; with support, students are expected to make revisions and strengthen their work over time. 

Knowledge Constructor (Content-area competencies): Students build a strong foundation in academic content areas and draw on their knowledge to complete new tasks.

Effective Communicator (Work Study Practice): Students clearly convey information and thoughts to connect and respond to their audience.

Critical Thinker (Work Study Practice): Students think creatively and analytically to evaluate information and design solutions

to complex problems.

Engaged Learner (Work Study Practice): Students actively monitor and navigate their own learning towards long-term goals and aspirations.

Skilled Collaborator (Work Study Practice): Students learn to work in teams with diverse perspectives to achieve shared goals.

Confident Global Citizen (Work Study Practice): Students develop positive attitudes and beliefs about their identities to contribute and find meaning in the world around them.

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