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AP Computer Science A

1 credit year

Grades 10-12

What is computer programming? How do computer programs solve problems relevant to today’s society, including art, media, science and engineering?

AP Computer Science A is equivalent to a first semester, college-level course in computer programming. APCSA introduces students to programming with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data and data structures, algorithms and approaches to data processing, analysis of potential solutions and the ethical and social implications of computing. This course emphasizes object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design, using the Java language. This course will be taught in a computer lab, with online additions so that students can extend their work in a virtual learning environment. The AP College Board will provide course materials. Students are required to complete summer assignments and can take the AP Computer Science A exam, at their option, in the spring. Pre-requisite is credit in Core Math 2. This course is complementary to AP Computer Science Principles.

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