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AP Computer Science Principles

1 credit year

Grades 10-12

How does computing change the world? What is computational thinking?

Whether it is 3-D animation, engineering, music production, app development, medicine, visual design, and robotics, or political analysis, computer science is the engine that powers the technology and innovation that drive the world. Computer science experience has become an imperative for today’s students and the workforce of tomorrow. Computer Science Principles will introduce students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenge them to explore how computing and technology can affect the world. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, Computer Science Principles will prepare students for college and career. Students will develop a range of skills, such as using computational tools to analyze and study data, working with data sets to visualize and recognize trends, collaborating to solve computational problems, and reflecting in writing on the importance of these problems and their impact on their community and the society. This course will be taught in a computer lab, with online additions so that students can extend their work in a virtual learning environment. The AP College Board will provide course materials. Students are required to complete summer assignments and can take the AP Computer Principles exam, at their option, in the spring. Pre-requisite is credit in Core Math 1. This course will be offered again in 2021-2022 school year.

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